1916 - 1921

ABBREVIATIONS-a, means acres; bds, boards; B tel, Bell telephone, 4 ch, 4 children; H&L, house and lot; Les 10, Leslie Township Road No. 10; 0, owns; R1, Rural Route No. 1; ret, retired; T, tenant; 4h, 4 horses; 2c, 2 cattle. Names in CAPITALS are those of Farm Journal subscribers.

The abbreviations used for the Townships of Ingham County are as follows:

Alaiedon, Ala. Leroy, Lry. Stockbridge, Skbg.
Aurelius, Aur. Leslie, Les. Vevay, Vev.
Bunker Hill, Br. Hl. Locke, Loc. Wheatfield, Wtfd.
Delhi, Del. Meridian, Mer. White Oak, Wh. Ok.
Lansing, Lan. Onondaga, Ono. Williamston, Wmsn.
Ingham, Ing.

Field, Enoch (Vina) 1 ch farming 0 80a 3h 2c R1 Mason Vev 20 B tel. Foler, Frank (Mercie) 1 ch farmer O&T 200a 6h 30c R1 Dansville Wtfd14.
Field, Henry A. (Nellie) 3 ch foreman T H&L RD Haslett Mer 49. Foler, Godfrey (Belle) farming 0 120a 4h 12c R3 Mason Wtfd 18.
Field, Mrs. Leonard 0 119a R3 Mason Ala 67. Foler, Mrs. Golda 1 ch farming 0 200a l0h 11c R4 Mason Ala 37 B & Indtels.
Fields, Clarence salesman Stockbridge. Foler, Percy (Dora) 4 ch farming 0 102a 2h 11c R1 Dansville Wtfd 11.
Fields, E. H. (Lavina) 1 ch farming T 80a 3h 6c R1 Mason Aur 71. Foley, Mrs. Frances Bellvue St Leslie.
Fier, Joseph (Lissa) teamster 0 H&L 2h RD Holt Del 97. Foot, Martin (Anna) 5 ch farmer T 70a 2h 1c R5 Mason Ing 16.
FIESTER, J. A. (Ada) farmer & thresher O la lh 1c R6 Mason Aur 46 Ind tel. Foote, Arthur (Nettie) 1 ch farmer TH&L 1h Okemos Mer.
Finewick, Lee (Anna) farmer 0 26a 2h Haslett Mer. Foote, Calvin (Rachel) 7 ch T H&L RdOkemos Mer 23.
FINK, CHAS. G. (Helen) stock breeder O 287a 6h 27c R1 Okemos Mer 58 B tel. See adv. FOOTE, DAN (Mabel) farmer T 270a 15h 26c R2 Williamston Wmsn 15.
Fink, Jacob (Anna M.) 4 ch farmer 0 270a 2h 5c R2 Stockbridge Skbg 42 Ind tel. FOOTE, MRS. D. F. 7 ch farmer 0 80a 1h 1c R2 Williamston Wmsn 14 Ind tel.
Fink, John (Elizabeth) 3 ch farmer 0 95a 4h 3c R1 Okemos Mer 46 B tel. FOOTE, E. E. (Hattie) 1 ch farmer & auctioneer 0 58a 4h 9c R1 Holt Del 43.
Fish R C. (Dora) 4 ch Reo employee O H&L R1 Holt Del 62. Foote, Jay (May) 8 ch laborer T H&L Eden Vev 51.
Fisher, Mrs. A. E. Meeker St Leslie. Foote, John E. (Eva E.) 6 ch farmer 0 l00a 15h l0c R2 Williamston Wmsn14 Ind tel.
FISHER, BRANCH (Ella) 2 ch farming T 160a 7h R4 Leslie Les 87 Ind tel. Foote, Miss S. A. farmer 0 20a R4 Williamston Wmsn 71 Ind tel.
Fisher, Mrs. Ella R3 Webberville Loc 91 Ind tel. Forbes, Geo. (Jennie) farmer T 140a l0h 2c R1 E Lansing Mer 6 B tel.
Fisher, Mrs. Francis 0 H&L E Race St Leslie Ind tel. FORBES, W. W. (Emma) 1 ch farmer 0 5a 1h 1c R7 Lansing Mer 18.
Fisher, Fred (Ethel) 2 ch farmer 0 80a 6h 7c R3 Webberville Loc 91 Ind tel. Force, Chas. merchant Stockbridge.
FISHER, J. V. (Nora) 4 ch farming 0 40a 4h 11c R1 Williamston Wtfd 24. FORCE, CHAS. (Blanche) 5 ch farmer milk 0 26a 6h 6c R7 Lansing Mer 11B tel.
FITCH, FERRIS farming 0 380a 11h 50c R3 Stockbridge Br H1 65 Ind tel. FORCE, MRS. OLIVER 5 ch farming 0 40a 4h 5c R1 E Lansing Mer 21.
FLAGG, WILLIAM farming 0 20a 3h R2 Mason Ala 33. Ford, Price (May) 1 ch farming 0 40a 2h 4c R4 Leslie Br HI 33 Ind tel.
FLANSBURGH, G. C. cooper Leslie Les Ind tel. Ford, Mrs. S. E. 0 H&L Rd Onondaga Ono 26.
Flemming, Arthur (Emma) 3 ch farmer O 85a 8h 17c R3 Lansing Del 47 B tel. Foreman, Fred (Lovina) 3 ch farmer 0 80a 6h 9c R4 Williamston Loc 37 Indtel.
Fletcher, E. J. (Hattie) 4 ch farming O 160a 8h 30c R1 Mason Vev 42 B tel. Foreman, H. T H&L State St Leslie LesInd tel.
Foa, E. A. (Mary) 6 ch farmer T 1a R5 Williamston Lry 3. Forman, John (Marion) 7 ch farmer120a 3h 4c R2 Webberville Lry 82Ind tel.
Fogg, Frank M., Sr. (Julia) ret farmer O 160a 4h 1c R4 Leslie Br Hl 18 Ind tel. Fortman, Byron (Jennie) farmer T 159a 3h 16c R1 Webberville Wh Ok 53.
Fogg, Frank (Edith) 3 ch farming 0 80a 2h 8c R4 Leslie Br H1 18 Ind tel. FORTMAN, CHARLES (Samantha) 4 ch farmer 0 110a 2h 9c R1 WebbervilleWh Ok 53 Ind tel.
Fogg, Phillips (Lulu) 3 ch farming 0 15a 2h R4 Leslie Br H1 18.


ABBREVIATIONS-a, means acres; bds, boards; B tel, Bell telephone, 4 ch, 4 children; H&L, house and lot; Les 10, Leslie Township Road No. 10; 0, owns; R1, Rural Route No. 1; ret, retired; T, tenant; 4h, 4 horses; 2c, 2 cattle. Names in CAPITALS are those of Farm Journal subscribers.

Fortman, E. (Abbie) 2 ch farmer 2h 9c R3 Dansville Ing 54. T 80a Franklin, C. L. (Amy) 5 ch farming 0 40a 4h 5c R1 Holt Del 17.
FOSDICK, F. E. (Genevieve) 2 ch farmer T 160a 4h 38c R1 Webberville Wh Ok 18 Ind tel Franklin, W. H. (Nettie) 5 ch farmer 0 40a 4h 7c R1 Holt Del 45 B tel.
Fosdick, W. A. (Elizabeth) 5 ch farmer 0 100a 6h 9c R3 Dansville Ing 40 Ind tel. FRANKS, CLIFFORD (Edith) 3 ch farmerT l00a 5h 8c R3 Webberville Loc 82 Ind tel.
FOSTER, CALVIN (Viola) 2 ch farmer O 96a 7h 7c R2 Williamston Wmsn 9 Ind tel. Frans, J. (Mary) 3 ch farming 0 40a 2h 6c R1 Williamston Wtfd 24.
Foster, C. C. (Olive) 1 ch farmer 0 195a lh Haslett Mer 49 Ind tel. Frederick, Earl (Leah) farmer partnership 0 80a 3h 12c R2 Perry Loc 31 Ind tel.
Foster, Geo. P. (Olive) 7 ch farmer 0 90a 7h 4c R3 Dansville Wh Ok 8 Ind tel. Frederick, Frank G. (Mary) farmer 0 80a R2 Perry Loc 31 Ind tel.
Foster, Geo. R. (Alma) 3 ch farming 0 80a 5h 14c R1 Stockbridge Br H1 53. Frederick, Milan farmer partnership 0.80a 3h 12c R2 Perry Loc 31 Ind tel.
FOSTER, H. J. R4 Mason. FREDERICK WILLIAM (Mary) 1 ch farming T 311a l0h 40c R1 Mason Vev 37 Ind tel.
FOSTER, JOHN G. (Lena) 1 ch farmer T H&L R2 Dansville Ing 50. Frederick, Clarence (Emma) 2 ch farmer 0 H&L Dansville.
Foster, S. A. (Hannah) 1 ch farmer 0 127a 3h 11c R1 Okemos Mer 54 Ind tel. Freeland, Mrs. Hattie 2 ch dressmaker 0 H&L R5 Mason Vev 39 B tel.
FOUNTAIN, E. D. Onondaga. Freeland, Roy (Rose) 6 ch laborer T H&L 1c R1 Leslie Les 5.
Fountain, George (Allie) 1 ch farming O 80a 6h 12c R5 Eaton Rapids Aur 26 Ind tel. FREEMAN, H. M. hardware Spring & Bellevue Sts Leslie.
FOUNTAIN, MRS. MARY 8 ch farmer O 80a 4h 4c R7 Mason Aur 37 Ind tel. FREEMAN, JOHN C. (Jeanie) 1 ch farmer 0 20a 3h 5c R1 Mason Aur 56 Ind tel.
FOWLER, OLIN (Maggie) 1 ch farming O 80a 6h 12c R5 Eaton Rapids Aur 9 B tel. Freeman, J. W. 1 ch farming 0 70a 6h7c R1 Onondaga Aur 56 Ind tel.
Fox, Charles lumberyard Stockbridge. Freeman, Mrs. R. W. 0 149a R1 Onondaga Ono 57.
FOX, CLARENCE C. (Blanche) 1 ch farmer 0 40a 2h 4c R3 Williamston Wmsn 44 Ind tel. Freer, Bert (Rose) 1 ch farmer 0 15a 2h 4c R3 Dansville Ing 38 B tel.
Fox, W. T. (Carrie) 6 ch farmer T 160a 5h 20c R1 Leslie Ono 70 Ind tel. Freer, C. C. (Emma) farming 0 85a 3h 14c R3 Dansville Ing 59 Ind tel.
FRANCIS, W. J. (Blanch) 4 ch farmer 80a 4h 12c R5 Mason Vev 77 B tel. 0 Freer, J. E. (Carrie) 1 ch farming 0 60a 2h 5c R1 Mason Aur 86 Ind tel.
Francisco, Cordie (Ina) 1 ch farmer 0 80a 2h 18c R4 Mason Ala 32 Ind tel. FREIERMUTH MRS. S. R3 Stockbridge.
Francisco, Ed. (Nancy) 2 ch farmer T 130a 5h 12c R5 Mason Ing 30 Ind tel. FRENCH, A. J. (Nettie) 2 ch farming 0 l00a 6h 7c R1 Onondaga Ono 47 Ind tel.
Frank, H. S. 2 ch carpenter 0 80a 1h R4 Williamston Ler 19. French, G. A. (Anna) 2 ch farming 0 72a 4h 7c RD Onoadaga Ono 8 Ind tel.
French, Henry 1 ch farming 0 92a 5h 6c R1 Eaton Rapids Ono 9.


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