ABBREVIATIONS-a, means acres; bds, boards; B tel, Bell telephone, 4 ch, 4 children; H&L, house and lot; Les 10, Leslie Township Road No. 10; 0, owns; R1, Rural Route No. 1; ret, retired; T, tenant; 4h, 4 horses; 2c, 2 cattle.

The abbreviations used for the Townships of Ingham County are as follows:

Alaiedon, Ala. Leroy, Lry. Stockbridge, Skbg.
Aurelius, Aur. Leslie, Les. Vevay, Vev.
Bunker Hill, Br. Hl. Locke, Loc. Wheatfield, Wtfd.
Delhi, Del. Meridian, Mer. White Oak, Wh. Ok.
Lansing, Lan. Onondaga, Ono. Williamston, Wmsn.
Ingham, Ing.

Names in CAPITALS are those of Farm Journal subscribers-always the most intelligent and progressive people in any county. No Tumbledowns, for no farmer can keep on reading the F. J. and being a Tumbledown, too. Many have tried, but all have to quit one or the other.

ABBOT, CLYDE (Lennah) 1ch farmer 0 90a 8h 10c R2 Dansville Wh Ok 9 Ind Tel. Abel, Frank (Emma) 3ch farmer 0 35a 5h 14c R5 Eaton Rapids Aur 3 B Tel.
Abbott, Delbert (Ella) 3ch farmer 0 80a R2 Dansville Wh Ok 9 Ind tel. ABFALTER, P.J. R7 Lansing.
Abbott, Wm. E. (Hattie J.) 5ch farmer T 200a 5h 25c R4 Williamston Wmsn 69 Ind Tel. Achard, O.W. (Maude E.) fruit farmer 0 10a R1 Leslie Les 24 Ind Tel.
Abbott, Wm. J. (Marcia) 3ch farmer 0 15 3/4a 1h 2c R5 Williamston Lry 3 Ind Tel. Acker, E.H. (Kittie) farmer 0 15a 1c R3 Lansing Del 36 Ind Tel.
Acker, L. (Sarah) 4ch farmer 4h 12c R3 Lansing Del 36 Ind tel.



ABBREVIATIONS-a, means acres; bds, boards; B tel, Bell telephone, 4 ch, 4 children; H&L, house and lot; Les 10, Leslie Township Road No. 10; 0, owns; R1, Rural Route No. 1; ret, retired; T, tenant; 4h, 4 horses; 2c, 2 cattle.

ACKER, OWEN (Edith) 4ch farming T 160a 5h16c R2Dansville Wtfd 48 Aldrich, Wm. (Lena) 2ch farmer T 99a 4h 3c R1 Leslie Les 3 Ind Tel.
ACKER, T.H. (Jessie) 3ch farmer 0 80a 3h 7c R1 Webberville Lry 36 Ind Tel Alexander, Alexa (Barku) 4ch farmer & milk dealer 0 27a 2h 12c R3 Lansing Lan
Ackerson, Blain (Hazel) 1ch farming T 173a 6h 3c RD Onondaga Ono 25 Alexander, R.A. (Hazel) physician T H&L Holt Del 97 B & Ind Tels
Ackerson, Mrs. Sarah 0 H&L Covert St Leslie Les Alford, J.E. (F.J.) 11ch farmer 0 40a 2h 3c R5 Williamston Lry 30 B Tel
Ackett, Wm. H. clerk Armstrong St Leslie Allbright, Chas. (Vera) 1ch H&L Haslett
Ackley, Douglas (Ida) 4ch farmer 0 40a 3h 5c R2 Webberville Wh Ok 50 Ind Tel ALLCHIN, A.O. farmer 158a 3h 6c R1 Webberville Lry 62 Ind Tel
Ackley, Fred (Eliza) 3ch farming 0 50a 3h 14c R3 Mason Ala 78 Allen, Addie 1ch farmer T 120a 1h 1c R2 Webberville Lry 77 Ind Tel
Ackley, Geo. (Dora) 8ch farmer 0 120a 4h 25c R2 Webberville Wh Ok 50 Ind Tel Allen, Alfred (Allie) 2ch farming 0 1200a 10h 37cR1 Mason Vev 26 B Tel
ADAMS, BURTON W. (Lizzie N.) 4cg toolmaker T 15a 1h R2 Lansing Lan 14 Ind Tel Allen, Charles C. (Effie) 3ch farmer 0 90a 6h 30c R3 Lansing lan 22 Ind Tel
ADAMS, FLOYD H. R2 Onondaga Allen, Fred (Minnie) 2ch farmer 0 40a 8h 7c R1 Leslie Les 24 Ind Tel
ADAMS, G.H. (Hattie) 3ch farmer 0 135a 6h 19c R1 Eaton Rapids Ono 3 Ind Tel Allen, Geo. (Lillian) 2ch farmer 0 80a 4h 6c R1 Dansville Ing 21 Ind Tel
ADAMS, W.D. R2 Onondaga ALLEN, GEORGE W. (Alice) 4ch farming 0 225a 9h 27c R3 Mason Ala 49
Addis, Mrs. Nelson farmer 0 140a 1h R3 Williamston Wmsn 67 Ind Tel Allen, Mrs. J.A. 3ch farmer 0 100a R2 Mason Ala 2
Adelberg, Carl colt training Armstrong St Leslie ALLEN, Martin (Margaret) farmer 0 40a 4h 7c R2 Mason Ala 2
Ahrens, Charlotte 4ch farming 0 38a 3h 5c R1 Holt Del 60 Allen, Ray (Anna) farmer 0 80a2h 3c R3 Webberville Loc 86 B Tel
Ahrens, Walter (Clara) 1ch farmer T 80a 4h 5c R8 Mason Aur 76 Allen, Reuben (Marion) 2ch farmer 0 40a 3h 7c R6 Mason Ala B Tel
Ailes, H. (A.) farmer 0 80a 3h 5c R3 Williamston Wmsn 51 Ind Tel ALLEN, WILLIAM H. (Bethiah) 6ch farmer 0 37a 1h 1c R1 Mason Vev 55 Ind Tel
Akers, Grover (Lottie) 2ch farmer T 40a 2h 5c R6 Mason Aur 66 Ind Tel ALLEN, W.C. (Grace) 6ch farmer 0 50a 3h 3c R4 Mason Mer 34 Ind Tel
Albert, Edward (Ellen) 2ch farmer 0 92a 3h 16c R2 Mason Del 93 Allhouse, Bert (Edith) 2ch meat man 0 H&L 2h Haslett Mer 49 Ind Tel
Albert, Geo. (Lizzie) 4ch ret 0 H&L 1h Holt Del 97 ALMOND, W.W. (Ona) 1ch general store 0 H&L Dansville
Albin, H.S. (Ora) 6ch farmer 0 90a 6h 5c R2 Leslie Les 20 Ind tel Altenburger, F.M. farmer 0 50a 2h 2c R7 Lansing Mer 17
Albro, H.L. farmer 0 40a R1 Leslie Ono 67 Ind Tel Ambs, W.J. (Jane) 5ch farmer T 200a 7h 10c R2 Leslie Vev 58 Ind Tel
Albro, Hugh (Nellie) 2ch farming 0 40a 4h 2c R1 Leslie Ono 67 Ind Tel AMMON, JOHN (Josephine) 3ch farmer 0 120a R4 Stockbridge Wh Ok 60
Alchin, Geo. (Gertrude) 5ch farmer 0 120a 6h 10c R5 Williamston Lry 32 Ind tel AMSDILL, P. (Laura) 2ch farmer 0 40a 2c R4 Stockbridge Wh Ok 60
Aldrich, A.D. (Harriet) 1ch farmer 0 3 1/2a R1 Holt Del 82 Anderson, James R3 Perry Loc 77 Ind Tel
Aldrich, A.L. farmer Pennsylvania Ave Leslie ANDERSON, JOHN (Lydia) 2ch farmer T 160a 4h 6c R3 Perry Loc 77 Ind tel
ALDRICH, C.D. East Lansing Anderson, John (Kate) farmer 0 40a 5h 6c R4 Stockbridge Wh Ok 55 Ind Tel
Aldrich, Frank rural mail carrier N Main St Leslie
Aldrich, W. (May) 2ch farming T 130a 3h 20c R4 Leslie Les 51 Ind Tel


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